Sunday, January 12, 2020

PhD De-Stressor: Layan Movies


1. I.T.

Cerita ni tentang Mike Regan ni. Dia jutawan ada syarikat penerbangan bagai. Dia kira kaya, berjaya dan bahagia la. Ada anak isteri yg cantik. Rumah dia Masha Allah, kira rumah pintar la. Pakai sensor dan arahan suara ja dari bilik tidur, bilik mandi, dapur. Kira segala2 dlm rumah di canggih la. Dia ada ambik pekerja IT kat syarikat dia. Budak lelaki tu nama Ed, pandai ambik hati dia sampai dia bawak balik rumah untuk buat maintenance rumah dia. Es ni berkenan kat anak dara Mike ni. Tapi Mike tak suka. Bila Ed cuba nak mengurat anak Mike, Mike pecat si Ed tu.

Ed mula balas dendam dengan menggodam emel Mike dan rumah pintar Mike. Sampai vidwo anak dara Mike tgh mandi pun dia dpt dan dia viralkan. Perniagaan Mike pun dia ganggu. Kira dia bagi hidup Mike sekeluarga ni huru-hara la. 

Sampai satu tahap, Mike terpaksa bertindak sendiri sebab bila dia repot polis pun, pilis tak layan sebab dia tak ada bukti. Akhirnya, dia upah sorang pakar IT untuk godam sistem komputer Ed dan dapatkan bukti utk dia dakwa Ed tu. Ed tu pun rupanya seoarang psikopat. Mmg best la cerita ni. Banyak la adegan2 suspense yg membuat jantung kak ni berdegup lajuπŸ˜…  Kak bagi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Initial release: September 9, 2016 (Bulgaria)
Director: John Moore
Box office: 114,536 USD
Story by: Daniel Kay

2. Apartment 407
Semalam baring-baring, cari movie mana nak tengok. Hakak ni movie addict. Hari-hari kena tengok satu movie yang bagus. Baru la rasa nikmat hidup.

Tengok gambar cover movie ni, ingatkan cerita hantu. Rupanya, cerita tentang pemerdagangan manusia. Berdasarkan kisah benar pulak tu.  Hakak pun bukak tengok. Memang menarik la cuma yang 18 tahun ke atas ja boleh tengok.

Ceritanya, dik ni (heroin la dalam cerita tu) dia ajar pilates (satu bentuk senaman) kat pusat pilates. Dia keja ja kat situ. Bukan owner tempat tu. Dia tinggal dengan teman lelaki dia dan anak perempuan dia. Anak dia dalam 3-4 tahun gitu. Nama dia dlm cerita tu Isobel.

Cerita bermula bila lepas keja, dia singgah minum kat cafe. Dia order sandwich. Datang sorang mamat ni mintak sedekah daripada pelanggan2 cafe tu. Bila mamat tu datang kat dia, dia kata dia tak ada duit kecik. Mamat tu mintak sandwich dia. Ada sorang lagi pelanggan kat situ tegur mamat peminta sedekah tu supaya jangan ganggu si Isobel tu. Mamat tu buat tak endah. Dia ambik ja sandwich dik ni dan makan. Lepas tu dia keluar lepas dimarahi pelanggan lelaki tadi.

Pelanggan lelaki tadi nama Patrick, datang ke meja dik tu dan tanya kalau dia berminat jadi model dalam iklan syarikat dia. Dia kata klien dia tak nak model biasa. Klien dia nak perempuan biasa ja. Bayaran lumayan la 7 ribu USD utk keja sekerat hari. Too good to be true kan. Mulanya, si Isobel tu mcm tak berminat. Bila dengar bayaran 7 ribu tu, dia mula tertarik tapi dia tak terus setuju.

Bila balik rumah, dia tanya pendapat teman lelaki dia. Teman lelaki dia galakkan dia ambil job tu sebab bayaran lumayan. Teman lelaki dia keja hospital. Jururawat kot. Jadi, 7 ribu USD tu mmg byk la.

Esoknya dia pergi ke tempat yang diberitahu. Bermula dari situ la mimpi ngeri Isobel bermula. Dia dilacurkan. Mujur dia dapat lari setelah dikurung slama 3 hari 2 malam. Dia nyaris dibunuh lepas dia melawan. Wanita2 yg jadi mangsa sindiket ni dihantar ke Eropah Timur untuk dijual. Dalam tempoh yang singkat tu pun dah 5 lelaki melanggan dia. Kesian dia. Tak ada wanita dalam dunia layak diperlakukan mcm tu. Hakak mmg emo la tgk cerita mcm ni.

Dipendekkan cerita, mmg menarik la cerita ni. Pengajaran untuk wanita2 muda dan anak2 remaja di luar sana. Jangan mudah2 tertipu dengan kerja yang senang tapi bayarannya lumayan. Satu lagi, jangan senang2  pergi ke rumah orang yang tak dikenali tanpa berteman pulak tu. Semoga kita dan anak2 kita selamat daripada anasir2 jahat seperti dldm kisah benar ni. Hakak bagi 5 bintang utk cerita ni.

3. Angel Has Fallen

Cerita ni hakak tgk minggu lepas. Best cerita ni. Ceritanya tentang seorang agen perisik ni, lakonan Mike Banning, ditangkap selepas cubaan membunuh Presiden Amerika gagal. Dia salah seorang pengawal peribadi  yang bertugas semasa Presiden keluar memancing. Masa mereka kat atas bot memancing, berpuluh2 dron tiba2 datang dan tembakan bertubi2 dilepaskan dan membunuh kesemua pengawal peribadi yang ada kecuali Mike Banning. Dia berjaya menyelamatkan Presiden dengan menyelam ke dalam tasik. Kedua2nya berjaya diselamatkan tetapi Presiden koma. Mike Banning juga cedera. 

Mike Banning disyaki sebagai dalang percubaan membunuh kerana penyiasat mengesan wang sejumlah USD10 juta telah dimasukkan dalam akaunnya. Tambahan lagi, pengecaman wajah boleh dilakukan menggunakan dron2 terbabit. Ini menguatkan lagi dakwaan yg Mike Banning bersubahat dalam percubaan membunuh tu. 

Mike Banning berjaya melepaskan diri dengan bantuan satu pasukan elit profesional yang tidak dikenalinya. Mereka menahannya tetapi dia berjaya melarikan diri.  Dia menyiasat sendiri kes tu walaupun dia diburu oleh pihak berkuasa. Ending dia best.  Hakak suka 😊

Initial release: August 21, 2019 (Indonesia)
Director: Ric Roman Waugh
Box office: $133.4 million
Film series: Fallen Series
Budget: 40 million USD

4. Red Sparrow

Hakak dah penah tgk cerita ni tapi semlm hakak repeat lg sekali sebab lupa dah jalan ceritanya mcmana. Cerita dia mmg menarik la. Pasal tu hakak repeat. Kalau tak menarik buang masa ja tgk. 

Sinopsisnya kira lebih kurang mcm ni. Dominika Egorova, bekas penari ballet, menyertai program perisikan Russia. Dia gunakan kecantikan untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang CIA dan memerangkap seorang agen CIA. 

CIA ni ialah agen perisikan Amerika. Russia dengan Amerika ni dulu lama dah Perang Dingin. Masing2 bersaing untuk jadi yang terbaik dan terkehadapan.

Yg bestnya kesudahan cerita ni mmg best. Hakak cuma share cerita2 best ja kat sini. Cerita yg berbaloi kita habiskan satu ke dua jam depan TV. Happy viewing 😊

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Take a Break, Breathe and Smile

My FB Status

A question one should never ask a PhD student

Bila la nak habis ni?.....zzzzzzz

Five Theses and Dissertations Banks - For Now :-).

  1.  Open Access Theses and Dissertations 
  2. Open Thesis
  3. Malaysian Thesis Online
  4. Global ETD Search
  5. PQDT Open

100 Search Engines for Academic Research

Need to get started with a more broad search? These academic search engines are great resources.
1.      iSEEK Education:iSeek is an excellent targeted search engine, designed especially for students, teachers, administrators, and caregivers. Find authoritative, intelligent, and time-saving resources in a safe, editor-reviewed environment with iSEEK.
2.      RefSeek:With more than 1 billion documents, web pages, books, journals, newspapers, and more, RefSeek offers authoritative resources in just about any subject, without all of the mess of sponsored links and commercial results.
3.      Virtual LRC:The Virtual Learning Resources Center has created a custom Google search, featuring only the best of academic information websites. This search is curated by teachers and library professionals around the world to share great resources for academic projects.
4.      Academic Index:This scholarly search engine and web directory was created just for college students. The websites in this index are selected by librarians, teachers, and educational consortia. Be sure to check out their research guides for history, health, criminal justice, and more.
5.      BUBL LINK:If you love the Dewey Decimal system, this Internet resource catalog is a great resource. Search using your own keywords, or browse subject areas with Dewey subject menus.
6.      Digital Library of the Commons Repository:Check out the DLC to find international literature including free and open access full-text articles, papers, and dissertations.
7.      OAIster:Search the OAIster database to find millions of digital resources from thousands of contributors, especially open access resources.
8.      Internet Public Library:Find resources by subject through the Internet Public Library’s database.
9.      Infomine:The Infomine is an incredible tool for finding scholarly Internet resource collections, especially in the sciences.
10.  Microsoft Academic Search:Microsoft’s academic search engine offers access to more than 38 million different publications, with features including maps, graphing, trends, and paths that show how authors are connected.
11.  Google Correlate:Google’s super cool search tool will allow you to find searches that correlate with real-world data.
12.  Wolfram|Alpha:Using expert-level knowledge, this search engine doesn’t just find links; it answers questions, does analysis, and generates reports.
Meta Search
Want the best of everything? Use these meta search engines that return results from multiple sites all at once.
13.  Dogpile:Find the best of all the major search engines with Dogpile, an engine that returns results from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, with categories including Web, Images, Video, and even White Pages.
14.  MetaCrawler:MetaCrawler makes it easy to “search the search engines,” returning results from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
15.  Mamma:Check out the mother of all search engines to pin down the best resources on the web. Mamma even searches Twitter and job postings!
Databases and Archives
Resources like the Library of Congress have considerable archives and documents available, and many of them have taken their collections online. Use these search tools to get access to these incredible resources.
16.  Library of Congress:In this incredible library, you’ll get access to searchable source documents, historical photos, and amazing digital collections.
17.  Archives Hub:Find the best of what Britain has to offer in the Archives Hub. You’ll be able to search archives from almost 200 institutions from England, Scotland, and Wales.
18.  National Archives:Check out this resource for access to the National Archives. Find online, public access to find historic documents, research, government information, and more in a single search.
19.  arXiv e-Print Archive:Cornell University’s offers open access to a wealth of e-prints in math, science, and related subjects. Search this resource to find what you need among 756,133 documents and counting.
20.  Archivenet:An initiative of the Historical Centre Overijssel, Archivenet makes it easy to find Dutch archives and more.
21.  NASA Historical Archive:Explore the history of space in this historical archive from NASA, highlighting space history and manned missions.
22.  National Agricultural Library:A service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, you can find global information for agriculture in the National Agricultural Library.
23.  Smithsonian Institution Research Information System:Get access to the considerable resources of the Smithsonian Institution through the Research Information System, a great way to search more than 7.4 million records from the Smithsonian’s museums, archives, and libraries.
24.  The British Library Catalogues & Collections:Explore the British Library catalogues, printed materials, digital collections, and even collection blogs for a wealth of resources.
25.  CIA World Factbook:As the center of intelligence, the CIA has certainly done its job with The World Factbook, offering information on major reference information around the world. History, people, government, economy, and more are all covered in this online publication.
26.  State Legislative Websites Directory:Use this database to find information from the legislatures of all 50 U.S. states, DC, and the Territories. You can look up bills, statutes, legislators, and more with this excellent tool.
27.  OpenDOAR:In the Directory of Open Access Repositories, you can search through freely academic research information with more directly useful resources.
28.  Catalog of U.S. Government Publications:Search through the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications to find descriptive records for historical and current publications, with direct links where available.
Books & Journals
Instead of heading to the library to bury your face in the stacks, use these search engines to find out which libraries have the books you need, and maybe even find them available online.
19.  WorldCat:Find items from 10,000 libraries worldwide, with books, DVDs, CDs, and articles up for grabs. You can even find your closest library with WorldCat’s tools.
20.  Google Books:Supercharge your research by searching this index of the world’s books. You’ll find millions for free and others you can preview to find out if they’re what you’re looking for.
21.  Scirus:For scientific information only, Scirus is a comprehensive research tool with more than 460 million scientific items including journal content, courseware, patents, educational websites, and more.
22.  HighBeam Research:Research articles and published sources with HighBeam Research’s tools. You’ll not only be able to search for what you’re looking for, you can also choose from featured research topics and articles. Note: HighBeam is a paid service.
23.  Vadlo:Vadlo is a life sciences search engine offering protocols, tools, and powerpoints for scientific research and discovery. Find what you’re looking for, and then stick around to check out the forums.
24.  Open Library:Find the world’s classic literature, open e-books, and other excellent open and free resources in the Open Library. You can even contribute to the library with information, corrections to the catalog, and curated lists.
25.  Online Journals Search Engine:In this free, powerful scientific search engine, you can discover journals, articles, research reports, and books in scientific publications.
26.  Google Scholar:Check out Google Scholar to find only scholarly resources on Google. The search specializes in articles, patents, and legal documents, and even has a resource for gathering your citations.
27.  Bioline International:Search Bioline International to get connected with a variety of scientific journals. The search is managed by scientists and librarians as a collaborative initiative between Bioline Toronto and and the Reference Center on Environmental Information.
28.  SpringerLink:Search through SpringerLink for electronic journals, protocols, and books in just about every subject possible. You can also browse publications by collection and content type.
29.  Directory of Open Access Journals:When you need top-quality journal writings for free, the Directory of Open Access Journals is a great place to check out. You’ll get access to a searchable journal of full-text quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
30.  Jurn:In this curated academic search engine, you’ll get results from over 4,000 free scholarly e-journals in the arts and humanities.
With a focus on science, these academic search engines return all-science, all the time.
41.  SciSeek:In this science search engine and directory, you’ll find the best of what the science web has to offer. Browse by category, search by keyword, and even add new sites to the listings.
42.  Chem BioFinder:Register with PerkinElmer to check out the Chem BioFinder and look up information about chemicals, including their properties and reactions.
43.  Biology Browser:Biology Browser is a great resource for finding research, resources, and information in the field of biology. You can also check out their Zoological Record and BIOSIS Previews.
44.  Athenus:Athenus is an authority on science and engineering on the Web, sharing a directory and full-featured web search.
45.  SciCentral:Use SciCentral as your gateway to the best sources in science. This site has a literature search, journals, databases, and other great tools for finding what you need.
46.  Strategian:Strategian is a great place to find quality information in all fields of science. Featured resources include free full-text books, patents, and reports, as well as full-text journal and magazine articles, plus a special collection of Vintage Biology with important articles and books in biology.
47. this government science portal, you can search more than 50 databases and 2,100 selected websites from 12 federal agencies. This is an incredible resource for millions of pages of U.S. government science information.
48.  CERN Document Server:This organization for nuclear research serves up a great search and directory for experiments, archives, articles, books, presentations, and so much more within their documents.
49.  Analytical Sciences Digital Library:Through the Analytical Sciences Digital Library, you’ll find peer-reviewed, web-based educational resources in analytical sciences, featuring a variety of formats for techniques and applications.
50.  WorldWideScience:Use as a global science gateway, offering excellent search results in the sciences, and even the option to select specific databases and find resources in your own language.

Math & Technology
Keep your results limited to only the best math and technology resources by using these search engines.
51.  MathGuide:Check out the MathGuide subject gateway to find online information sources in mathematics. The catalog offers not just a search, but a database of high quality Internet resources in math.
52.  ZMATH Online Database:Zentralblatt MATH’s online database has millions of entries from thousands of serials and journals dating back as far as 1826. Nearly 35,000 items were added in 2012 alone.
53.  Math WebSearch:This semantic search engine allows users to search with numbers and formulas instead of text.
54.  Current Index to Statistics:In this bibliographic index, you’ll find publications in statistics, probability, and related fields. There are more than 160 preferred journals, plus selected articles from 1,200 more and 11,000 statistics books to draw from in this search.
55.  Inspec:This database was made for scientists and engineers by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. You’ll find nearly 13 million abstracts and research literature, primarily in the fields of physics and engineering.
56.  CiteSeerX:Get searchable access to the Scientific Research Digital Library by using the CiteSeerX website.
57.  The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies:Find more than 3 million references to journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports in computer science with this bibliography collection.
58.  Citebase:Still in experimental demonstration, Citebase Search is a resource for searching abstracts in math, technology, and more.
Social Science
Researchers working in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and related subjects will find great results using these search engines.
59.  Behavioral Brain Science Archive:Check out this searchable archive to find extensive psychology and brain science articles.
60.  Social Science Research Network:In this research network, you can find a wide variety of social science research from a number of specialized networks including cognitive science, leadership, management, and social insurance.
61.  Psycline:Find a journal with Psycline’s journal and article locator, a tool that offers access to more than 2,000 psychology and social science journals online.
62.  Social Sciences Citation Index:The Thomson Reuters Social Sciences Citation Index is a paid tool, but well worth its cost for the wealth of relevant articles, search tools, and thorough resources available.
63.  Ethnologue:Search the languages of the world with Ethnologue, offering an encyclopedic reference of all the world’s known living languages. You’ll also be able to find more than 28,000 citations in the Ethnologue’s language research bibliography.
64.  SocioSite:Use this site from the University of Amsterdam to browse sociological subjects including activism, culture, peace, and racism.
65.  The SocioWeb:Check out this guide to find all of the sociological resources you’ll need on the internet. The SocioWeb offers links to articles, essays, journals, blogs, and even a marketplace.
66.  WikiArt:With this custom Google search engine, you can find open access articles about archaeology.
67.  Encyclopedia of Psychology:Search or browse the Encyclopedia of Psychology to find basic information, and even translations for information about psychology careers, organizations, publications, people, and history.
68.  Anthropology Review Database:Through this database, you can get access to anthropology reviews, look up publishers, and find resources available for review.
69.  Anthropological Index Online:This anthropological online search includes both general search of 4,000 periodicals held in The British Museum Anthropology Library as well as Royal Anthropological Institute films.
70.  Political Information:Political Information is a search engine for politics, policy, and political news with more than 5,000 carefully selected websites for political information.
Find awesome resources for history through these search engines that index original documents, sources, and archives.
71.  David Rumsey Historical Map Collection:Use the LUNA Browser to check out David Rumsey’s Map Collection with more than 30,000 images, searchable by keyword.
72.  Genesis:Find excellent sources for women’s history with the Genesis dataset and extensive list of web resources.
73.  Fold3:Get access to historical military records through Fold3, the web’s premier collection of original military records and memorials.
74.  Internet Modern History Sourcebook:Use the Internet Modern History Sourcebook to find thousands of sources in modern history. Browse and search to find full texts, multimedia, and more.
75.  Library of Anglo-American Culture and History:Use the history guide from the Library of Anglo-American Culture and History for a subject catalog of recommended websites for historians, with about 11,000 to choose from.
76.  HistoryBuff:History Buff offers an online newspaper archive, reference library, and even a historical panoramas section in their free primary source material collection.
77.  Digital History:University of Houston’s Digital History database offers a wealth of links to textbook, primary sources, and educational materials in digital history. The database has multimedia, an interactive timeline, active learning, and resources for teachers.
78.  Internet Ancient History Sourcebook:The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook is a great place to study human origins, with full text and search on topics including Mesopotamia, Rome, the Hellenistic world, Late Antiquity, and Christian origins.
79.  History and Politics Out Loud:History and Politics Out Loud offers a searchable archive of important recordings through history, particularly politically significant audio materials.
80.  History Engine:In this tool for collaborative education and research, students can learn history by researching, writing, and publishing, creating a collection of historical articles in U.S. history that can be searched for here by scholars, teachers, and the general public.
81.  American History Online:Through American History Online, you can find and use primary sources from historical digital collections.
Business and Economics
Using these search engines, you’ll get access to business publications, journal articles, and more.

82.  BPubs:Search the Business Publications Search Engine for access to business and trade publications in a tool that offers not just excellent browsing, but a focused search as well.
83.  Virtual Library Labour History:Maintained by the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, this library offers historians excellent content for learning about economics, business, and more.
84.  EconLit:Visit EconLit to access more than 120 years of economics literature from around the world in an easily searchable format. Find journal articles, books, book reviews, articles, working papers, and dissertations, as well as historic journal articles from 1886 to 1968.
85.  National Bureau of Economic Research:On this site, you can learn about and find access to great resources in economic research.
86.  Research Papers in Economics:Find research in economics and related sciences through the RePEc, a volunteer-maintained bibliographic database of working papers, articles, books, and even software components with more than 1.2 million research pieces.
87.  Corporate Information:Perfect for researching companies, Corporate Information offers an easy way to find corporate financial records.
88.  Inomics:Economists will enjoy this excellent site for finding economics resources, including jobs, courses, and even conferences.
89.  DailyStocks:Easily look up stocks with this search engine to monitor the stock market and your portfolio.
90.  EDGAR Search:The SEC requires certain disclosures that can be helpful to investors, and you can find them all here in this helpful, next-generation system for searching electronic investment documents.
Other Niches
Find even more specialized information in these niche search engines.
91.  PubMed:From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, PubMed is a great place to find full-text medical journal articles, with more than 19 million available.
92.  Lexis:Find reliable, authoritative information for legal search with the Lexis site.
93.  Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database:Visit this database to find more than 6,300 records relating to human health in the circumpolar region.
94.  Education Resources Information Center:In the ERIC Collection, you’ll find bibliographic records of education literature, as well as a growing collection of full-text resources.
95.  MedlinePlus:A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus offers a powerful search tool and even a dictionary for finding trusted, carefully chosen health information.
96.  Artcyclopedia:Search Artcyclopedia to find everything there is to know about fine art, with 160,000 links, 9,000 artists listed, and 2,900 art sites indexed.
97.  Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus:Use this online dictionary and thesaurus to quickly find definitions and synonyms.
98., you can get connected with just about every reference tool available, from patents to almanacs.
99. the right thing to say? Check out to reference famous words from famous people.
100.                      Literary Encyclopedia:Check out the Literary Encyclopedia to get access to reference materials in literature, history, and culture.

The Art of Writing

  How to Write and Speak Better - Reader Digest The hall mark of good writing Accuracy appropriateness attentive to your audience avoidance ...